Monday, December 8, 2008

Tiffany Jackson, CNA

Today we celebrate Tiffany, we graduated as a CNA. What is a CNA? Someone who takes care of you when you are sick. Tiffany knows how to take blood pressure, administer medicine, clean up messes, and give good advice at 3am. This is a picture of Tiffany after a long day at work.
Congrats Tiff, we are happy for you!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Let's get this party started

Well, let's get this started. We see how much we enjoy seeing our children's blogs each week (when they update them) and so we thought we might record a little bit about our lives and find out how theraputic this is.

First we celebrate the life of Marvilla Steiner Wynn Fresh - Pat's mom. She is the fine woman on the left in this picture. She did a great job of raising her family, especially the love of my life - the beautiful woman on the right. This is Patricia Ann Wynn Ensign.

Tomorrow Pat and I celebrate 32 years together - at least 10 of them have been happy. What can I say about a woman who has faithfully stood by my side for so many years, slapping me when I needed a slap, spanked me when I needed a spanking, and cared for me when I needed care? (Boy, I didn't realize I was so needy!) Most people call Pat a saint because of what she has to put up with. I just recognize her as a noble woman, a great mother, a loving friend, a kind voice, and a warm heart. The second best thing I ever did was marrying Pat. I have to say second, as mission goes first. If I hadn't gone on my mission, Pat wouldn't have married me, so I had to do #1 to get to #2.

Happy Anniversary dear. I love you.